Friday, February 24, 2012

New Work

New drawings, paintings and pinnings

Blue Socks, 19 x 26.5 in, egg tempera on paper

 Carpet Fingers, 27 x 20 in (approx.), Ink and gesso on paper with found painting, paper and pins

 Chubby Legs, 18 x 27 in, ink and gouache on rice paper over synthetic textile, pins

Hand in Love, 14 x 19.5 in, China marker and gouache on paper

Pepto Bismol, 11 x 20 in, Gouache on paper

 Speak and Spill, 3 x 12 x 17, Glass, Oak, and cut, found paper


Polaroid Spring, Details, Gesso, fabric and lace on panel

Red Dress, Details

Blue Socks, Details, Egg tempera on gessoed paper

 Blue Socks, Details